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Romanian Outreach

Highway 32 supports mission work in various parts of Romania through Harvey Starling. Several of our church members have gone and continue to regularly go to Romania to work with churches and Christians to strengthen their relationship with the Lord through Vacation Bible Schools, youth and adult classes, Sunday worship times, individual bible studies, and bible seminars throughout the year. 

To learn more about the work in Romania

Kid's Ministry

Highway 32 offers classes and activities for the youth from cradle roll through high school. We strive to teach our children about God and His word. We want our children to learn how to be a disciple and show Christ's love to those around them. 


During 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY school there are classes for all ages available. [Cradle roll, elementary age, high school, and an adult class]


During 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY worship there is a bible hour during the sermon available for cradle roll through 5th grade


A children's class for cradle roll through 5th grade also offered on SUNDAY nights at 6:00 and  WEDNESDAY nights at 7:30 p.m.

Young Adult Ministry

Our young adults get together often to build relationships with one another and God through fellowship, meals, bible studies, and a variety of activities. They meet on a regular basis to study scripture and share a meal together. The young adults also help lead the youth in various ways such as attending conferences throughout the year, teaching classes, and mentoring. Send us a message below if you'd like to join! Check the events  page to see if there are any upcoming activities. 

Study Support

Interested in diving deeper into God's word? Do you have questions or need guidance with the scripture? Our preacher, Marc Curfman, would be happy to sit down with you individually or in a group setting to open up the Word and study with you! Contact us below if you are interested in this ministry. 

Women's Ministry

The ladies at Highway 32 meet once a month to engage in fellowship over breakfast, conversation, prayer, and a bible study with one another. They cherish these times to come together and dive into God's word while sharing a meal. Look for the next meeting time on the events page and come join us!

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